202, 2021

Happy Anniversary

By |February 2nd, 2021|

What a year it has been! It was just over a year ago that my wife, Sheila, and I opened Lighthouse Counseling and Wellness. After years taking care of people in the community mental health system, in the state hospital and in our prisons, I’m where I really want to be and where I feel I can be most helpful. One of my favorite past experiences has been the time [...]

110, 2020

Our Pups and Our Power

By |October 1st, 2020|

Like many of you, our family is made up of people and-dogs! Looking at this photograph recently, I was thinking that the animal world has lessons it can teach us. This photo of two of our family dogs shows the tough, animalistic nature of dogs when left to be their canine selves. The little chihuaha, Daisy, you see here is a hard-core city girl adopted from the south side of [...]

110, 2020

Why Psychotherapy?

By |October 1st, 2020|

Lighthouse Counseling and Wellness has been blessed with many clients for whom this is the first time they have sought the help of a mental health professional. It’s an honor to work with these folks and we certainly aim to help our clients have a good experience. Most people don’t know what to expect and may be anxious about how the process works. It’s hard to share your thoughts and [...]

2808, 2020

Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Responsibility

By |August 28th, 2020|

I’m putting out a call for all good humans to be observant and responsive to those of us who feel so hopeless about finding relief from the stresses of life that we consider the option of ending our life by suicide. For years I provided in-service training to staff members at a maximum-security state prison, and at a state psychiatric facility. Before I would start the presentation, I always [...]

2808, 2020

Rediscover What Really Matters

By |August 28th, 2020|

No doubt these are stressful times for all of us. We’re trying to get life back to normal again but there’s stress about health risks and keeping our families safe. Our anxiety- while certainly understandable- may be on overload as we worry about getting back on track with our usual routines while families stress about less money coming in from loss of work or reduced hours. Will we be able [...]

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